Meeting #3

TBD: November-December

Lesson Study Launch
Setting Goals
Develop 5E Research Plan
Anticipating Student Responses & Finalizing Research Lesson
Full Day Observation of Science Lesson
The Process of Student Sense Making

Meeting #3: Develop 5E Research Lesson


  • To engage in a community of practice
  • To create or review student learning goal.
  • To establish a language for use goal for students as they engage in sense-making.
  • Investigate common science misconceptions that are focused on the student development and learning goals
  • To draft an overview of the 5E lesson plan

Agenda (2.5 hours)

  1. Meeting Introduction (10 minutes)
  2. Using Language in Three-Dimensional Learning (20 minutes)
  3. Student Learning Goal (SEP, DCI, CCC) (30 minutes)
  4. Research Lesson Pre-Thinking: (20 minutes)
  5. Activity Sharing (20 minutes)
  6. Create outline of Phenomenal 5E Research Lesson: (45 minutes)
  7. Reflections and Next Steps (10 minutes)

1. Meeting Introduction (10 minutes)

  1. Facilitator reminds all members about meeting roles.
    • Who is facilitating this meeting?
    • Who is the Google Drive Expert?
  2. All team members are able to get online and find the necessary documents
  3. Review outcomes and timing for meeting.

2. Using Language in Three-Dimensional Learning (20 minutes)

When students engage in the scientific practices to develop a collaborative, evidence-based explanation of a phenomenon, they use language to:

  • examine ideas about natural phenomena
  • make their ideas understood
  • analyze, dispute, refine and build off each other's ideas

The collaborative exploration of phenomena and the shared development of ideas becomes a powerful engine that drives language development.

Record your notes in your Lesson Study Meeting Minutes/Reflections document.

ESP Focus Science and Engineering Practices

3. Student Learning Goal (SEP, DCI, CCC) (30 minutes)

  1. Science and Engineering Practice: Open the NRC Framework Chapter 3 and find the section that describes the Science and Engineering Practice that you would like to investigate. (e.g. Developing and Using Models)
    • Each member reads the section and identifies one important idea that helps them frame the research lesson you will develop.
    • Share ideas from the SEP section of the Framework with your team.
    • Identify the specific bullet point (element) from the Science and Engineering Practices Progression.
    • Record this in the BLUE section of the ESP 5E Learning Sequence.
      • (example: SEP2: Develop and/or use models to describe and/or predict phenomena.)
  2. Disciplinary Core Idea: Open the NRC Framework Chapter that describes the sub idea of the Disciplinary Core Idea related to your phenomenon (e.g. PS2.A).
  3. Cross Cutting Concept: Open the NRC Framework Chapter 4 and find the section that describes the Crosscustting Concept that you would like to investigate. (e.g. Structure and Function)
    • Each member reads the section and identifies one important idea that helps them frame the research lesson you will develop.
    • Share ideas from the CCC section of the Framework with your team.
    • Identify the specific bullet point (element) from the Cross Cutting Concepts Progression.
    • Record this in the GREEN section of the ESP 5E Learning Sequence.
      • (example: Patterns: Patterns of change can be used to make predictions.)

4. Research Lesson Pre-Thinking (20 minutes)

  1. Review your Student Learning Goals from Saturday with your team.
  2. What prior knowledge and experiences would students have as they explored this topic?

Record your notes in your Lesson Study Meeting Minutes/Reflections document.

5. Activity Sharing (20 minutes)

  1. Activity vs. Phenomenon Discussion
  2. Brainstorm activities that support sense-making around the phenomena:
    • Examine the post-its generated during the Saturday workshop (phenomenon)
    • On a new post-it write the name of the activities you experienced with the ESP team or in your own teaching.
    • Link the activity post-its with the phenomenon post-its
  3. Describe the activity and materials.
    • Discuss how it supports students in making progress toward the Student Learning Goal.

6. Create outline of Phenomenal 5E Research Lesson: (45 minutes)

  1. Include the title of the activity you have chosen for each phase of the 5E (engage, explore, explain, elaborate, evaluate). Use the BSCS 5E Descriptors as a resource.
  2. Consider the Student Language Development Goal and Student Learning Goal. Are these activities focused on those goals or has the lesson drifted? If it has drifted, consider how you might bring it back toward the goals.
  3. Consider the Anchoring Phenomenon. What opportunities are you providing for students to identify evidence and provide reasoning that will support their understanding of this phenomenon? Can you add those opportunities if they don't exist?
  4. Which phase of the lesson will be the most interesting to observe in person? Which might be best to video record? Which phase(s) will provide student work that gives you a view into their understanding of the learning goals?
  5. Review the Investigative (lesson-level) phenomenon you chose. Does the learning sequence you outlined support students in making sense of the phenomenon you chose? If not, modify either the lesson or the phenomenon to create a better fit.
  6. Finalize your outline on your Team ESP 5E Learning Sequence.

7. Reflection and Next Steps (10 minutes)

At the end of each meeting, you will record your individual reflections on your Meeting Minutes/Reflections shared Google document.

Next Steps:

  • Revise and add to your "Consider Your Context EL Case Study Students" document and add any pertinent information that you discover.
  • Think about how your case study students will experience your 5E learning sequence?

Observation Day

  • Google Drive Expert: Click on this form Coordinate Observation Day *Careful* Everyone has editing rights!
  • Decide when ALL TEAM MEMBERS are available ALL DAY to teach/observe the lesson
    • Choose multiple dates so that you have options.
    • *Note all team members will be requesting a guest/substitute teacher on this day.
  • For Alternate Meeting 3/4, see the tab below that says “Meeting 3/4"